The Wolfe & Thorn Podcast

The Wolfe & Thorn Podcast S3E3: Side Questing with Jalen Sutcliffe & Paul Sharp

CC Thornley & Emily Wolfe Season 3 Episode 3

Our special guests in the studio are Mr Paul Sharp (due to problems with his mic you might notice some odd things about his voice.  We apologize!) and the legendary Mighty Murri Man Jalen Sutcliffe, lead singer of the Mentolists, star of the ABC's Black Comedy and Rosehaven.

We take a detour today and share with you some of the material we play in our other alter-egos, the Mentolists and the Black Swans of Trespass.  We put the trad Tassie stuff and the new album on hold while we play some of our favorite reggae tunes.  Yes, on banjo and fiddle.  Get over it.  Get ready from some hefty YouTube copyright lightning strikes as we plunder material that isn't ours, and may or may not be public domain.

Keep an eye - sorry, ear out, for the return of the Gadbot 3000 as we roll out our toys to impress (and confuse) our guests!

One love!  Irie!!